7 Days Rwanda Classic Primate World Adventure Safari


7 Days Rwanda Classic Primate World Adventure Safari

Classic African savannah settings coupled with iconic forest trekking for the ultimate reward; time spent with mountain gorillas. An exceptional journey to Rwanda's Nyungwe & Volcanoes national park. Join us on our 7 days, 6 – nights Rwanda classic primate adventure safari, which rewards you with a great opportunity to trek Rwanda’s prominent primates, thus gorillas, chimpanzees and golden monkeys. You will be able to visit all the 2 Rwandan national parks, thus Volcanoes National Park, and Nyungwe National Park, known for their unique retreats, primates and adventures, in addition to Kigali city tour to spice up your stay. You will as well be able to interact with the local community as you go by your day activities.  You will be able to do gorilla trekking, golden monkey trek, chimpanzee trekking and Canopy walk in Nyungwe which is a life time thrilling adventure, not forgetting waterfall hike in Nyungwe. There is nothing that beats, and makes your mind feel relaxed, than traveling in style, where all part of the tour is well taken care of, with top notch service! This itinerary is an excellent introduction to the primates of Rwanda thus mountain gorillas, golden monkeys and chimpanzee, in addition to other activities per the itinerary. Let’s explore the wonderful country of Rwanda together!

Detailed Itinerary

Upon arrival at Kigali international airport, you will go through custom and immigration, and you will be met by our hotel representative who will warmly welcome you to the Land of a thousand hills that Rwanda is known for, an later drive to your booked hotel accommodation for dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation: Kigali Marriott Hotel (Luxury)

Meal plan: Bed & Breakfast

Early morning enjoy your buffer breakfast and checkout of the hotel and drive heading to the western province, on your way visit the Royal Palace Museum and Ethnographic Museum in Southern Province, this will give you a great history of traditional ways of living among Rwandans and their past way of leadership of Kingship with an en route lunch. You will reach in the afternoon at Nyungwe national park and spend the afternoon at your leisure, as you wait for dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation: Mantis Kivu Marina Bay (Luxury)

Meal plan: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Today, after your early morning cup of African coffee, you will leave your hotel to experience the natural forest of Nyungwe, well known for having 13 species of primates, and transferred to the park for briefing and chimpanzee trekking experience. You will be entitled to one hour on finding the chimpanzees. After doing the chimpanzee trek, head for lunch before heading for a canopy walk. This 70 meters suspended metallic bridge will give you a great overview of Nyungwe forest and on a lucky day spot one or two more primates in the forest as you take a walk on this bridge and later return in the afternoon for dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation: Mantis Kivu Marina Bay (Luxury)

Meal plan: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

After having an early morning breakfast, you will be transferred to Kibuye, a lake showers town near Lake Kivu. Catch up with a boat trip on Lake Kivu to explore this amazing lake. You will be able to visit Napoleon Island, take a hike over the Island, which rewards you with a beautiful view of the lake. Lots of birds can be sighted here. Later return, have lunch and drive to Musanze near Volcanoes National Park to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay at the lodge.

Volcanoes National park
Bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda in Rwanda, the Volcanoes National Park is best known as a sanctuary for the region’s rare mountain gorillas. Visitors flock here to experience a face to face encounter with these intriguing creatures, making it the most famous park in Rwanda. The park is set high on the jungle-covered slopes of the volcanic Virunga Mountains. Highly regulated treks through the reserve allow visitors to spend an hour at a time with these incredible primates in their natural habitat. While the gorillas are without a doubt the main drawcard, visitors can also look forward to exploring a network of scenic hiking trails, visiting the tomb of the world-famous Dian Fossey and the Karisoke Research Centre, and enjoying a beautiful day hike to the Crater Lake on Mount Bisoke. You can as well as opt for trekking the shy golden monkeys or head for a canoe ride on the twin lakes. The beautiful Buhanga Eco Park, still remains virgin and open to visitors, where you get more cultural insight in regards to leadership and kingship of Rwanda.

Accommodation: Five Volcanoes Boutique Hotel (Luxury)

Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

After an early morning breakfast, you will be transferred to the park headquarters. You will meet with your ranger who will brief you about the code of conduct while with the gorillas. You will then enter the forest in search of the gorillas. The gorilla trekking may take 2 - 6 hours depending on the movement of the gorillas in the jungle and your group speed as well. Meet and stay with the gorillas for a maximum of one hour.  After a great experience you will walk back to the starting point, meet your guide waiting for you and be transferred to your lodge for lunch, and after lunch, you can decide to relax at your lodge at your leisure or opt to head for a cultural encounter with a walking tour to different site to get an insight of Rwandan culture. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Gorilla Trekking at Volcanoes National Park
Gorilla Trekking in the Volcanoes National Park offers visitors the unique opportunity of discovering the 10 families of gorillas that live within the national park. Visitors can enjoy a cup of coffee before the trek starts and will be separated into groups of 8 depending on their physical abilities. Each group is guided by a guide and two scouts who are well trained in emergency situations. The amount of time set aside per trek is different depending on where the gorilla family is situated. Some trips may take as little as half an hour and some take the better part of the day.

Accommodation: Five Volcanoes Boutique Hotel (luxury)

Meals: Breakfast

Today after your warm early morning breakfast, we will be transferred back to the park headquarters for briefing and start off your day golden monkey trekking in search of these primates in the jungle. Just like the gorilla trekking experience, the same trekking procedures and guidelines apply to golden monkey trekking though not so hectic like gorilla trekking. You will later return to the lodge for lunch and later transfer to Kigali. Time permitting, you may undertake an added Kigali city tour to explore the local market, craft shops, before you head to your booked hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation: Kigali Marriott Hotel (luxury)

Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Have your relaxed breakfast, and depending on your flight time, your driver guide will come and pick you up and transfer you to the airport to catch up with your flight back home.
End of service!

Meals: Breakfast

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